Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to become a good & successful medical student


Entri ini adalah berkesinambungan dari post sebelum ni:
Strategi- Ke arah kecemerlangan golongan "pelajar du`at"

Alhamdulillah, setinggi-tinggi pujian kpd Allah s.w.t.. Segala curiosity sy slama ini terjawab apabila Allah temukan sy dgn sbuah buku yg teramatlah istimewa. I.e Persoalan berkenaan soft skills yg sy nyatakn dlm entri sbelum ni.

Author: Prof. Dr. Muhaya Hj Mohamad M.D, Ph.D
Bil. muka surat: 116 (Ringkas tp sgt padat.. Subhanallah
Pendekatan: simple & islamic. Bahasa yg digunakan mudah difahami
Cetakan pertama: 2005

Target reader:
Teramat ssuai utk bukan hnya pelajar perubatan, malah pelajar disiplin2 lain.. Sama ada pre-graduates atau post-graduates

*Picture above: Prof Dr Muhaya Hj Mohamad (Currently is the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Opthalmology Training Program, and Chairperson of the Reserach Committee of the Department of Opthalmology, UKM)

Utk gambaran awal, sy sertakan sekalai Isi Kandungan buku tersebut. Baca senarai kandungan pun terasa amat motivated.

CHAPTER 1: Have I Made the Correct Decision?
1. Have I chosen the correct field?
2. Can I be a doctor one day?
3. What sort of thinking is required to become a doctor?
4. What are the possible career options after graduation?

CHAPTER 2: Getting Ahead of Time
5. Can I study and lead a reasonable life at the same time?
6. How do I manage my time and plan an effective study schedule?
7. Should I involve myself in many co-curricular activities?

CHAPTER 3: Potential Traps for Meddical Students
8. What are the common problems for First Year medical students?
9. What are the common traps of studying?

CHAPTER 4: I Sure Love Those Lectures
10. How do I get the maximum benefit from the lectures?
11. What do I do when the subject is really boring and I do not understand the lectures?

CHAPTER 5: Am I Doing It Right?
12. What are the effective study habits?
13. How do I study smart?
14. How to read quickly?
15. How do I overcome the frustration of studying difficult subjects?
16. How do I remember what I have studied?
17. Must I have a study group?

CHAPTER 6: Am I a Good Friend?
18. How do I deal with friends who are always depending on me for lecture notes?
19. How do I deal with friends who are always asking me to teach them?
20. How do I overcome envy of other people's achievements?

CHAPTER 7: Facing the Examinations
21. How can I pass all the examinations?
22. How do I prepare for MCQs?
23. How do I write a good essay?

CHAPTER 8: Can I Do it?
24. How do I overcome inferiority complex?
25. What do I do if I lose the motivation to study?
26. How do I keep my interest in medicine going?
27. What do I do if I do not feel like following other people's advice and want to do things my own way?

CHAPTER 9: Can I Be a Good Clinician?
28. How do I clerk a case well?
29. How do I present well in case presentation?
30. How do I get the patients to cooperate with me during ward work and clinical examinations?
31. How do I make full use of my clinical sessions in the clinic?
32. How do I correlate the basic sciences to the clinical subjects?

CHAPTER 10: Assets of A Good Medical Student

1- Effective note taking
2- Paying attention in class
3- MURDER study system
4- Speed reading & comprehension
5- Effective reading & comprehension
6- Taking notes from a textbook
7- Flip card technique to enhance your memory of a subject
8- Ten tips for test taking
9- point to ponder

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